
ZhaoQing KeDa Machine Manufacturing Ltd.
Add锛� Guangning Shiqi Development Zone, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province
Tel锛� 086-0758-8738032
Fax锛� 086-0758-8738688
phone锛� (0)13913092971 13913060113
Contact:Mr wang
Aluminum arc coating machine
add time锛�2018/5/23 16:51:52 Popularity锛�743

main feature:
1. This equipment is suitable for stainless steel profiles, plastic steel profiles, aluminum alloy profiles and other surface protective film stickers and auxiliary packaging.
2. The use of high-quality gearbox transmission, no noise, smooth work process.
3. Flexible adjustment lever, can adjust the film distance quickly and effectively, and correctly position.
4. Ingenious quick change, fast clip device, can change all kinds of profiles in a very short time.
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Add锛欸uangning Shiqi Development Zone, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province Contact 锛歁r Wang Tel锛�086-0758-8738032
Fax锛�086-0758-8738688 Cell phone锛�(0)13913092971 13913060113
E-mail锛歸jkeda2006@126.com URL锛歸ww.wjkeda.com